- Visit https://github.com and log in using your credentials
- Click your profile picture at the Top Right Corner
- Click Settings
- Click Developer Settings at Left Sidebar
- Click OAuth Apps at Left Sidebar
- Click New OAuth App at Right Sidebar Top
- Fill out the mandatory fields like Application Name, Homepage URL, Application Description.
- You can get the Authorization Callback URL: https://your-domain.com/auth/github/callback
- Paste the URL in Github Authorization Callback URL and click Register application
- Copy the Client ID and paste it in your website social login settings panel.
Month: July 2020
Step 1: First, you need to Go to the LinkedIn Developers website
Step 2: Here, Click on Create Application button.
Step 3: Fill in the form that appears next to register the new application. PS: Website URL must be your Store URL like http://www.yourstore.com.
Step 4: After filling the form click Submit to submit the form and keep your API Key and Secret Key safe.
For LinkedIn, redirect URL is optional, if you want set redirect URL, then set as: https://your-domain.com/auth/linkedin/callback
Step 5: Now you can use these API details in your LinkedIn social login module to let your customers log in to your website using their LinkedIn account.
How to get Google Client ID and Secret?
- Login to Google Developer Console at https://console.developers.google.com using your Google account credentials.
- If you are not registered on the Google developer account, then you need to accept the agreement.
- After accepting agreement or if you are already registered on Google developer account, you will see a screen as shown below. Click on “Select a project” on top header bar.
- From the project selection popup click on the “NEW PROJECT” button to add a new project.
- Enter your “Project name” and click on the “Create” button.
- Click on “OAuth consent screen” from the left side menu and create OAuth consent with User Type selection.
- Add Application name, select Support email and add Authorized domain. Then click on the Save button.
- After creating the project, click on “Credentials” from the left side menu to open the Credentials screen.
- Click on “Create credentials” and from the dropdown list select OAuth client ID.
- On OAuth client id creation screen:
- Select the “Web Application” radio button from the “Application Type”.
- Enter your application name in the “Name” field. This name will be shown to end users when they are asked to give login permission to your website. So please specify a meaningful name which can identify your website.
- Enter your catalog site URL in “Authorized JavaScript origins”. For example, if website domain is yourdomain.com, enter http://yourdomain.com
- In “Authorized redirect URIs” input box, enter https://your-domain.com/auth/google/callback
- Click on “Create” Button.
- It will display the popup with client id and client secret.
You should enter Twitter Consumer Key as the Client ID and Consumer Secret as the Client Secret.
To generate the consumer key and secret, just follow the below steps and you are ready to go.
- Go to https://developer.twitter.com/en/apps/create and log in, if necessary (you need to apply a Twitter developer account if you don’t have one).
- Supply the necessary required fields, accept the Terms Of Service, and solve the CAPTCHA.
- Submit the form
- Make sure under the Permissions tab the access permission is set to “Read and write” and you’ve checked the “Request email address from users”.
- Use https://your-domain.com/auth/twitter/callback as the callback URL.
- Go to the Keys and tokens tab, there you will find your Consumer key and Consumer secret keys.
- Copy the consumer key (API key) and consumer secret from the screen into the social login setting panel.
Please follow the below steps to create a Facebook application for Facebook Login in Directory Hub: